Woah! I just looked at the last time I posted, and it has been over a year. I don’t know where all the time went, but I’m back now (hopefully)!
I never developed a consistent posting rhythm when I first started this blog. I hope to create a routine with it, but I’m not promising anything. You might ask why I chose to create a blog when I’m not even posting. Well, I did it for a couple of reasons. Number one: I love writing, and having this site gives me space to do that. Number two: This serves as a place for me to share things that I’ve learned in teaching and ministry. Lastly, number three: While social media can be great, I’d rather not spend a lot of time on it. This includes not posting much on it because I often get distracted and end up on it for longer than I plan.
So that sums up why I have it, and I honestly have loved having a blog, even if I’m not consistently using it. The last year has been pretty full, and there’s still more to come.
So… you might be asking… what has happened in the last year? And what do you have coming up? Well, here’s a couple of things to catch you up:
- A year ago my roommates and I started moving into our first apartment!
- During Fall 2020, I was a tutor for two boys (more posts to come about what I learned and what I did with them). I absolutely loved tutoring these boys, but I stopped tutoring them right as they went into Winter Break because…
- In January, I started my current job! I am a Children’s Ministry Intern at a local church, and I love what I do.
- I have made some amazing friends in the last year and grown closer to so many people. All of this still amazes me because it was in the middle of the pandemic.
- I finished up the last of my classes, and I start student teaching next week!
- I also had the privilege of co-leading a small group through Chi Alpha last school year. It was amazing, I grew a lot, and I made a lot of memories along the way.
Of course, this doesn’t include everything that has happened this year, and it doesn’t include a lot of what has happened. I guess I better get writing so I can give more details as to what has been going on, and to keep you updated as to what is happening. And I promise that future posts will have pictures (lol).
For now, I’ll say this: The last year has been amazing, but I am so excited, ready, and expectant for what this next year has in store!
Let the adventure continue!