We all have hobbies whether or not we realize it. We have things that we like to do and things that we are good at. While I might not have said I was good at writing when I was younger, it was something that I loved doing.

I had multiple journals, some of which served their own unique purposes (ex. I had a journal that was just for songs I was writing). Reading the entries that I wrote when I was younger honestly made me laugh. I didn’t have the best grammar and there were definitely spelling issues. Not only that, but the content of these entries were hilarious (given the fact that they were written when I was in elementary school).

Luckily, my writing skills have improved since I was in elementary school. I know how to spell more words (even if I have to look them up sometimes) and I know how to write things with grammatical accuracy. (Disclaimer: I still use a grammar checker to help me out).

While I have used my writing skills in countless essays, discussion boards, and journal entries, I still had WAY too many words. I considered how I could write more. I was a freshman in high school when I first started to consider creating a blog.

However, I didn’t make it then. I have thought about it off and on for the last several years. A lot of my hesitation was that I didn’t know what I would write about and I wasn’t sure how I felt about sharing my writing.

I finally decided to stop overthinking, and I decided to take action. Creating this blog has helped me to realize just how much I needed a creative outlet.

It still took me a while to set up the blog and get it going because I continued to overthink every aspect: the name, the content, the layout, etc. Over time, I began to realize that I just needed to go for it. There is no way that I could make something that was “perfect.” I decided that I was going to use this as a learning opportunity.

So here I am. Writing and learning. This is only the first post, but I can’t wait to see what comes next.

Thanks for being part of the adventure!
